


“If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius”. Joseph Addison Dear readers, the words above are definitely apt and timely, to a society that is more inclined to seeking the cheapest means to success. Bearing in mind the important role of education in human life, it is pertinent to mention that the road to success is a long one.

There is no reason to be afraid for the ones who fix his mind at achieving his goals will excel greatly. To our students, it is important to know there is no substitute to hard work. Even when it looks difficult and insurmountable, keep trying. Sometimes, only a little more effort will bring about the desired result. The experience of others is indispensable as well. It is best to learn from the mistakes of others rather than let ourselves fall into the same errors. It is a sign of wisdom. Good enough, the experience of others is readily accessible for those who seek rightly.

Friends, if there is one thing that has power to propel man even against all odds, it is hope. Never let your hope die. It is a reason why you wake up every day and go about your daily activities. Whatever the dream of yours is, let nothing extinguish the hope you have that someday it will come to reality. We count on God, our help in ages past and our sure companion into the future to lead us all to our desired destinations in life and fulfill our every dream and aspiration. Thank you. Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Ayeni ADMINISTRATOR ST. GREGORY’S COLLEGE LAGOS.


The early years of a child’s life are a period of unparalleled growth and development, and the quality of education they receive during this formative stage plays a decisive role in shaping their future. Good quality education for children is not merely a means of imparting knowledge; it is a cornerstone for building a foundation of lifelong skills, character development, and societal contributions. First and foremost, quality education for children lays the groundwork for intellectual growth. It sparks curiosity, encourages exploration, and cultivates a love for learning.

A well-designed educational environment fosters cognitive development, enhancing a child’s ability to think critically, solve problems, and grasp complex concepts. This intellectual empowerment sets the stage for academic success and a lifelong enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge. Beyond academics, quality education nurtures the social and emotional well-being of children. In a supportive educational setting, kids learn vital interpersonal skills such as communication, teamwork, and empathy. These skills are not only crucial for healthy relationships but also contribute to the development of emotionally intelligent individuals who can navigate life’s challenges with resilience and understanding. Moreover, good quality education serves as a vehicle for character development. It instils values, ethics, and a sense of responsibility in children, laying the groundwork for them to become conscientious and compassionate members of society. The importance of fostering qualities such as honesty, integrity, and respect cannot be overstated, as these virtues contribute not only to the child’s personal growth but also to the betterment of the community at large.

In the context of children, the impact of quality education extends to physical health and well-being. Educational programs that emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and physical activity, contribute to the holistic development of the child. A well-rounded education, therefore, nurtures both the mind and body, fostering habits that promote lifelong health. Furthermore, quality education acts as a potent tool for addressing societal disparities. It has the potential to break the cycle of poverty by providing children from disadvantaged backgrounds with the skills and knowledge needed to overcome obstacles. Access to quality education ensures that every child, regardless of their socio-economic status, has the opportunity to unlock their full potential, fostering a more equitable and just society. In conclusion, the importance of good quality education on children cannot be overstated.

It is a transformative force that shapes the trajectory of their lives, influencing not only their academic achievements but also their personal and social development. As we invest in the education of our youngest citizens, we lay the groundwork for a future generation that is intellectually curious, emotionally resilient, ethically grounded, and equipped to contribute positively to the world. Rev. Fr. Martin Igbadumhe ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR ST. GREGORY’S COLLEGE LAGOS.

Board of Governors



Monday, 1st day of June 1959 was a day of great joy in the family of Gregory Obasola and Victoria Oluremi Martins (both of blessed memory). That day witnessed the birth of their third child, the second son of the family. He was christened Alfred Anthony Adewale. His parents who were both teachers hailed from Ake and ljemo in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State. The young Alfred Martins had his primary education at St. Augustine Roman Catholic Mission School, ltesi.


Alfred was admitted to St. Theresa Minor Seminary, Oke-Are, lbadan for his secondary education from 1971-1976. During this period, the seminary motto: AD ALTARE DEl must have made a deep impression on his tender mind as he tried to discern the genuineness of the call to the priesthood. At the end of his formation in the minor seminary, the young ‘Dewale’, as he was fondly called then, signified his intention to continue the programme of formation for the priesthood in the major seminary under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Lagos. He was therefore admitted to the Seminary of SS. Peter and Paul, Bodija, lbadan in 1976. While in the seminary, he bagged a Diploma in Religious Studies from the University of Ibadan in 1978 and a Bachelor’s degree in Theology from the Pontifical Urban University, Rome in 1983. In the classroom, the young seminarian Alfred showed great maturity in learning, with a quiet, reflective mien, which made him every lecturer’s delight. On the field of play, he exhibited great skills in the game of basketball. In prayer and liturgy he showed great disposition for positive growth, and his interpersonal relationship was excellent. Owing to these resounding good qualities cum leadership skills, he won the confidence of the formation team and was appointed the Senior Prefect, a primus inter pares for the 1982/1983 academic session and graduated with first class honours in his Bachelor of Theology degree examinations. Having fulfilled the requirements, he was ordained a deacon at the Holy Cross Cathedral, Lagos on the 18th of September, 1983 with seven of his classmates popularly known as “the class of eight” by His Grace, Most Revd. Anthony Olubunmi Okogie.


The newly ordained Revd. Fr. Alfred Martins was assigned to work after his ordination as an Assistant Administrator at Holy Cross Cathedral from October 1983 to August 1984. He was later transferred to St. Gregory’s College, Obalende, Lagos, where he worked as a teacher and chaplain from September 1984 to September 1986. During his stay at St Gregory’s College, he doubled as the priest in-charge of St Theresa’s Catholic Church Maroko as well as chaplain to Holy Child College, Obalende. The natural flair for teaching which Fr. Martins had imbibed from his parents was discovered through these assignments. He was then seconded to the SS Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, to assist in the formation of future priests as Graduate Assistant in September, 1986 where he taught courses in the Department of Philosophy. His ardent devotion to studies spurred him to the status of a Lecturer in 1988 having bagged a Master’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Ibadan. The humble and gentle Fr. Martins occupied various positions that distinguished him in the Seminary Community. He was the Bursar of the Seminary (1988-1994). He was the Registrar (1994-1996), and also the Secretary, Appointments and Promotions Committee (1994 – 1996) To further enrich his knowledge in his field of specialization, Fr. Martins secured admission to the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, where he bagged a Master of Letters degree in Philosophy in 1997. He immediately enrolled on the PhD programme of the University of Edinburgh and had just submitted his Proposal when the Holy Father appointed him the first bishop of the newly created Diocese of Abeokuta.


On the 24th of November 1997, the creation of the Catholic diocese of Abeokuta was announced as well as the appointment of Revd. Fr. Alfred Martins by the Holy Father, Blessed John Paul II as the first Bishop of the new diocese excised from the Archdiocese of Lagos. He received Episcopal consecration at the hands of the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano assisted by the Most Revd. Anthony Okogie, the Archbishop of Lagos and The Most Revd. Albert Fasina, Bishop of Ijebu-Ode diocese, at the M. K. O. Abiola Stadium Abeokuta on the 24th of January, 1998. Bishop Adewale Martins had the privilege of leading the people of God in Abeokuta from the inception of the diocese, building up a young and struggling local Church with only nine (9) parishes and eight (8) incardinated priests to a vibrant and dynamic church, with a rich stock of about sixty (60) priests out of which about forty-four (44) are incardinated priests of the diocese. In the same vein, the parishes of the diocese now number over thirty, and they are steadily growing into faith-rich communities full of possibilities and a flora of beauty.

The diocese has also grown in the area of health provision, with the establishment of a second Sacred Heart Hospital in Aiyetoro and Primary Health Clinics in many of the Parishes within the Diocese. The Sacred Heart Hospital Lantoro has continued in its stride as a major health care provider for the teeming population of Ogun State residents and beyond. The education sector of Ogun State has also been enhanced by the establishment by Bishop Martins, of Sacred Heart Catholic College Abeokuta, in 1999 and St. Patrick’s Catholic College, lmeko in 2006. He also contributed immensely to discussions leading to the return of secondary schools to original owners in Ogun State, a development which led to the return of St. Peter’s College, Olomore Abeokuta and Catholic Comprehensive High School, lbara Abeokuta to the Diocese of Abeokuta in 2009. Primary education has also grew tremendously within the period of the stewardship of Bishop Martins as Bishop of Abeokuta with the establishment of St. Bernadette of Lourdes Nursery/Primary School, Abeokuta and the relocation of St.?Luke Nursery/Primary School, lwoye. Within the fourteen years of his Episcopal ministry in Abeokuta, Bishop Martins also played a significant role in the Nigerian Church. He was elected Assistant Secretary of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference for two terms (2002-2008). He was elected Secretary of the same body for two terms (2008-2012). He was Co-Chairman of the Nigerian Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission in 2001 till 2008. He was Episcopal Chairman of the CBCN committee on Ecumenism from 1999- 2008. He was a delegate of the Nigerian Church to the 2nd Ordinary Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in Rome (4-25 October 2009).

Following the retirement of His Eminence, Anthony Cardinal Okogie of Lagos having reached the canonical age, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI on May 25, 2012 appointed Bishop Alfred Adewale Martins as his successor to the See of Lagos. He becomes the fourth Archbishop of the See of Lagos after Late Archbishop Leo Hale Taylor SMA (1950-1965); Late Archbishop Kwao Amusu Aggey (1965-1972) and Anthony Cardinal Okogie (1973-2012). Most Revd Alfred Martins was installed as the Archbishop of Lagos on the 4th of August 2012 at the Holy Cross Cathedral Lagos by the Apostolic Nuncio to Nigeria, Most Revd Augustine Kasujja.


Mrs. Ekezie R. N. – Arts Department

Mr. Enubuzor P. – Social Sciences & Business Department

Miss. Ukiwe N. S. – Languages (English & French) Department

Mr. Adukwu S. – Mathematics Department

Mrs. Modum N. – Vocational Department

Mrs. Odeyemi F. V. – Sciences Department

Mr. Ojo, A.O – Nigerian Languages (Igbo & Yoruba) Department


Mr. Oladipupo A.– Vocational, Arts & Social Science Department

Mr. Abah. A – Mathematics & Sciences Department

Miss. Ukiwe N. S. – Languages (English & French) Department


School Alumni


Born on February 18, 1956 in Lagos to Ijaw parents, Mullighan and Margaret Murray-Bruce from Akassa, Bayelsa State of Nigeria. He attended the famous Our Lady of Apostles, in Yaba, Lagos and St Gregory College in Obalende. He studied Marketing and Business at the University of Southern Carolina. Growing up was not a bed of roses. His father was a public servant who worked with the UAC. Ben whose initial dream was to be a professor of history had the opportunity of working in Domino Stores, a departmental store owned by his father. He however decided to do other things. His venture into show business didn’t enjoy the support of his parents. In his words “One time I was dancing and my father saw me dancing. He said, “If I ever catch you dancing, you’ll never use those legs again.” Though his father hated show business, thinking it was a waste of time, but somehow he managed to cope with a son who was bent on making a living out of the business. Even though he hated the business, he enjoyed the attention he was getting being the father to Ben. Ben got into show business by accident.

He recounts “I was at home one day in Los Angeles, USA, and somebody knocked on my door and I said who do you want? He said, he was looking for somebody and I said you are in the wrong house. We got talking and I said what is your name, he told me. And I said what do you do, he said, ‘I’m a teacher’. He was very friendly and so I asked him in. As we talked, I said, ‘if you are a teacher, who do you teach?’ he said Janet Jackson, and I said who else? He said Todd Bridges, Garry Coleman. And I said you mean you are really a teacher? He said yes. Then he asked what do I do? I said, ‘I’m a student of the University of Southern Carolina. The man told him he was working on a set at that time and invited him over. That was where he met Redd Fox of the Sandford and Sons’ fame, the Jeffersons and others. He ended up meeting a lot of actors and actresses. One day, his friend proposed “Hey, let’s do a show in Nigeria and they did their first show and the rest is history. Silverbird Productions started in 1980 with a borrowed capital of N20, 000.00; a desk in a small corner of the Domino Administrative office, six staff and only two business activities, pageant and programme syndication.

Today, with hundreds of staff, the company has turned to a conglomerate – three radio stations, Rhythm 93.7 in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt; Silverbird Television; the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria; Silverbird Cinema, Silverbird Entertainment and Silverbird Galleria. Silverbird Cinema, the first and only Cinema multi-plex with five screens, has been a huge success and they are holding talks with some State governments in the country to replicate the Lagos success story. His entry into the pageantry business came at a time when the Miss Nigeria franchise was beginning to lose its glamour, the interest of Nigerians and its sponsor. His brainchild, Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) pageant eventually took over the market leadership from the Miss Nigeria, owned and operated by the Daily Times of Nigeria. MBGN produced the likes of Omasan Buwa, Bianca Onoh and Agbani Darego. Agbani Darego won the Miss World contest and became the first ever Nigerian and African to win the Miss World pageant. Mr. Bruce successfully brought Julia Morley and the whole Miss World show to Nigeria for the 2002 Miss World event slated for Nigeria that year. Religious riots sparks by a newspaper article torpedoed the plan. Mr. Bruce who is married to Evelyn, an American with two boys and a girl, has served as Executive Director – Black Music Association of America with Quincy Jones, Dick Griffey, Stevie Wonder as well as Executive Director – Coalition for a Free Africa with the late President Samora Machel of Mozambique and the Rev.

Jesse Jackson. He was also on the board of National Arts Theatre Management, The Federal Film Censors Board, The Board of the Nigerian Film Corporation, National Film Distribution Company and Nigerian Anti-Piracy Action Committee. Mr. Ben Murray-Bruce, motivational speaker role mode to Nigerian youths is a director of several companies in Nigeria as well as in France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.


St. Gregory’s College,

South-West Ikoyi,

Lagos, Nigeria


